jeudi 4 juin 2009

Elektriktus - Electronic Mind Waves (1976)

Oh boy.

Just found this one.
Crispy crazy.
Thanks to original uploader/ripper!

Elektriktus - A1 - Frequencer Departure - Flying At Day-Break
Elektriktus - A2 - First Wave
Elektriktus - A3 - Power Hallucination

Elektriktus - B1 - Second Wave
Elektriktus - B2 - Implosion
Elektriktus - B3 - Third Wave
Elektriktus - B4 - Flying At Sunset
Elektriktus - B5 - Frequencer Arrival

Cheers, mates!

10 commentaires:

alphabet a dit…

Whoa!! These last two posts look bonkers!! Thanks

alphabet a dit…

^^^ Please share the cacciapaglia!!! Please, please, please...

Anonymous a dit…

Mind staggering greatness like a new born baby crying as it feels the first smack of its bottom of many to come in its life time. A magic moment like a musical bullet to the brain with a song like no other delievered to the blood stream of the spirit.

Thanks Paul Durango. I guess i know who Santa Claus is :D


Anonymous a dit…

This was posted on Mutant Sounds Already. Thanks anyway though.

alphabet a dit…


thankx a lot man, I can't wait to peep it!!

solcofn a dit…

Thanks for this...loving the blog...keep 'em coming!

Anonymous a dit…

Hey anon, very likely you aren't reading this but can you share the lossless?

thoth a dit…

the song "first wave" is excellent. that acoustic sounding bass in conjunction with the electronic sounds...very pleasant.

Audiozobe a dit…

OK. This is maybe the best blog I've seen yet. Wish I'd thought of that. Moog and more Moog. How could you go wrong... Thanks so much!

the saucer people a dit…

If anyone came/comes across the lossless rip of this album (or a rip of the CD re-issuein any format) it would be really cool if they could post the link here. After 34 years its hardly suprising there are a few snap crackles and pops so hearing a different rip would not be a bad thing...

Thanks for posting this album, in its own way it is quite extraordinary and stands head and shoulders above most of the prog-electronica released in the mid-seventies (even the artwork has a curiously contemporary feel) and I like the fact its from Italy! With the recent focus on German kosmische (you know a (sub)cultural genre has emerged from the twilight world and 'broke' into the daylight glare of the 'hip' media as soon as the Soul Jazz label release a sampler!) sometimes it gets forgotten that some equally great prog-electronica was coming from France & Italy and even America and occasionally here in the UK!