dimanche 1 juillet 2012

heads-up for new comers..

Hey guys,

This blog is idle and shows the goodies I uploaded from 2008 to 2010; by browsing the posts it's likely you'll still find plenty of rare/weird/groovesque/electronic stuff.

I don't plan to update this blog anymore.

So you better bookmark my 'main' blog:


Copyright holders: Feel free to ask any takedown notice and I'll comply asap, this blog being for recreational purpose only.

Check out the music I make and Peace!

1st album is out since May 2012:


and stuff I release under my real/library composer name:


(Paul Durango and Paul Noguès are the same person   :D  )

mardi 10 avril 2012

Promo for my album (Just Bodies)

Hey guys,

Je sors mon album dans pas long (1 mois); quelqu'un connait des webzines/radios qui seraient susceptibles de chroniquer le bouzin?


I'm releasing my album in a month or so; does anybody knows webzines or radios that could be interested in making an article/make a review?

CHECK OUT THE PROMO PACK (feel free to forward it to anybody..) HERE

and the video:

mercredi 28 mars 2012

top blog!

For a $hitload of 70s/80s goodies, from Experimental to Electro, visit

samedi 14 janvier 2012

A great vid

AV FOR PLUGS - Black Microdots from Alden Volney on Vimeo.

a few groovy/disco-ish Indian tracks


Cecil Leuter - Dramatique Désastre

01 - face a l'ennemi
02 - agressivité
08 - terreur sur la ville

Don Voegeli - Oscillations 1 & 2

Plenty of vintage Electrosweets in those!

Patchwork 85 - Jean-Pierre Decerf & Jean-Pierre Auffredo - Moments (1986)

Two Jean-Pierres for the price of one.

Careful, it's 1986. Handle with care.

CAM - Jean-Pierre Decerf & Mike Baroty - Publipot

Another one from the great Jean-Pierre Decerf!

01 the sea spell
02 gladsome moments
03 phantasm in the night
09 the madman run around
10 brazilian ballad

A must have. -- HERE --

Still alive..

Quick message to wish you a happy 2012.

I'm still around even if I don't have much time now for discovering/uploading new stuff.

My first album got masterised a few days back; you'll be able to discover it on all digital stores (iTunes, amazon, spotify..) in a couple of weeks (under Paul Durango - Just Bodies) - hope you'll like it..

Take care